You exist to love and to be loved eternally.God’s Word is redundant throughout of its primary objective: to lead God’s children to eternal life, and
Category: Devotionals
Jesus Christ is the only hope
Jesus Christ is the only hopeGodly love is selfless and wise. Godly love rejoices in receiving; to have that much more to give.Love has one
How to have peace in all things
How to have peace in all thingsLove is why God does everything, and wisdom is how, and God guides His children to do the same.Wisdom
A victory of love
A victory of loveJesus, covered in blood, with His hands and feet nailed to a Roman cross, was not stopped. His love was too great
Love realized
Every person has sinned. Therefore, the entire human race opted out of the Garden of Eden to live in a worldly developed environment.In consideration to
Recurring temptations
Recurring temptationsSin is an action against the Spirit of the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, which is referred to as a transgression against God.The
Staying calm
The world and the enemy can do whatever it wants, but a child of God doesn’t have to react to it.Greater the challenges can yield
God loves you more than you could know!
God created you to live forever for a good reason. Before the world was formed, God thought of many beautiful traits of an individual person,
Love and relax in the magnitude of glory!
The world can be unfair, cause unease, chaos, despair, and grief. But praise God, we have a Savior who is not of the world.If a
Wonderful new love!
Anyone, at times, can certainly have difficulties. But learning to relish the eternal reason to life above all things, which is to embrace the love