Evangelist: James Rathman – Christian Pakistani Mission Trip

Pastor Khalid ‘Sam’ Bhatti, of Gospel Evangelistic Ministries of Pakistan, and I have been working together, helping each other in varying support for six years in our respective ministry work in Thailand, Pakistan, and the United States.           

Departing for Pakistan, on February the 23rd, 2022, from JFK airport in New York, I arrived in Karachi, Pakistan, and met with Pastor Sam and family…and then departed on March 7th. Pastor Sam is an exceeding facilitator, planner, and coordinator of Christian ministry work, and had an action-packed itinerary arranged and planned for the entire mission trip. This included for the first 58 hours, scheduling me to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ at three churches. Pastor Sam’s wife, Nosheen, played a critical role of support in assorted ways, the Holy Spirit speaking through her as well, in a moving message!                               

There was a continual powerful and beautiful presence of the Holy Spirit during the trip, coming in varying degrees and ways! I originally preached in Pastor Sam’s beautiful and vibrant church on the night of arriving, three hours north of Karachi. The congregation consisted of a group of wonderful and humble Pakistani Christians, having such inspiring Christ-like love. This included greeting me with big smiles and many handmade memorable gifts! I had never experienced such a welcome!                                                                 

While living for the stay at Pastor Sam’s home, he guided me on day trips of approximately two to four hours, round trip, to preach the Gospel of Jesus, offer prayer, and deliver aid…to villages having extreme poverty, and to a disabled center. We also conducted two water baptisms. Through the powerful presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit, in the will of Jesus Christ, and Pastor Sam’s love for Jesus, we were additionally able to conduct a other ministry work for the glory of God. This included installing a fresh water well in a village that had previously drank, bathed, and did laundry in a muddy stream. We were also able to deliver food, clothing, cooked meals.         Pakistan has widespread poverty. There are horrific living conditions at varying locations in the country, especially in the Hindu villages. Many of these people live in extreme poverty with mud or stick homes and earn less than $1 a day by working in fields. People alongside roadways, without hope and destitute, are pleading for any assistance.                         I was blessed to meet many Christians in Pakistan, who are full of exceeding Christ-like love, kind, and humble, having an extraordinary gracious sensitivity toward the feelings of others.               

Enclosed are assorted photographs with captions for the many needs that funding and prayer support has already helped. We thank those who were a part of this mission trip for the many great causes that were fulfilled. We ask for further assistance for the dire need of more fresh water well pumps, food, and medical treatment…for people living in extreme poverty.                                                                              Blessings and love, James Rathman: Evangelist       

Paypal: [email protected]                         

Contact information:

James Rathman E-mail: [email protected] 215-740-0195 

Pastor Khalid ‘Sam’ Bhatti: Evangelist: Gospel Evangelistic Ministries: [email protected].     

Sharing the Gospel among Hindus
Pastor Sam’s Church
Disabled center giving James a handmade card with love
Baptism of a Hindu man who accepted Jesus.

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