

Envy covets, and cannot bear to not be the center of attention. Although God allowed it for eternal Holy purposes, envy placed Jesus on the cross.

Envy strives for self and is slick to camouflage its intent. It produces significant discord in the world. Envy can be devious and even cruel to destroy for control, uses many various cunning manipulations for self and gain, and can have an in-satisfiable need for fixes of attention. Envy is never sufficed.

Be alert, envy embraces joint ventures with the enemy’s spirits, and human words can include seducing spells of witchcraft.

Envy’s slyness, skillfully masks that it can’t bear anything greater than itself, including Jesus, nor bear those serving Jesus. Envy either voids, or misuses God’s Word to proclaim self. It can also be a fuel in church destruction. Prayer, in God’s will and power, intercedes and defeats envy.

Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?

Matthew 27:18 For he (Pilate) knew that for envy they had delivered him (Jesus).

Written by James Rathman: Evangelist

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