Pastor Khalid ‘Sam’ Bhatti is a long-term devoted servant of Jesus, tirelessly laboring 7 days a week while under threat and persecution in Pakistan! A dream of Pastor Sam’s was to purchase land, in which he recently received donations for, to free Christians in Hindu villages who are living in extreme poverty – to be able to live a life of liberty and a chance to escape the oppression of making 10 cents an hour, working 7 days a week, just to survive!
I personally know Pastor Sam for 9 years, and have been to Pakistan, and highly recommend him and his selfless devotion to serve Jesus and His children!
The Christians who are in the Hindu villages, live in extreme poverty of straw, stick, and mud huts, dirt floors, no plumbing or electricity, and have malnutrition that has most of them living with substantial malnutrition.
The stick and straw structures that are being built in these pictures, are actually an upgrade from where they are living. There will be 35 families living on this one acre property of freedom, and we are asking for donations of any amount to help the many needs to make this new life for these Christians, become a reality!
Paypal: [email protected]
Blessings and love, James Rathman: Deliverance Ministry: Evangelist: [email protected]

February to March 2022, Pastor Sam Bhatti and Evangelist James Rathman on previous mission to Pakistan
Lastest updates March 2024