In love!

In love!

~As for unto, the Throne we pray. A Savior hears, endearing care. Stillness in a weightless space, time bereft a love embrace.
~Forever now, and all as one. In hope we have, in faith we know. The Spirit, the body of the Son. In souls we feel a Heavenly flow.

~Hearts were amiss, but Words do kiss. Of grace the Lord, not just up high. In hopes we feel a blessing near, a love He gives, hearts race we fly!
~A selfless Spirit, a flock we see. Past letdowns leave, a mercy veil. For sunset pleas, have sonnet’s glee. And stanzas join a white horse tale.

~A calming dance, pirouette rhymes. All senses joy in paradigm thoughts. We hold on tight in touching times. True love on high, a paradise brought.
~For somehow we knew, somewhere we dreamt. Of an incredible love for so it lies. In wisdom seams with Angels we soar. As night dreams turn, in joyous cries.

~He went on a cross… what would ‘you’ do? For love eternal, no letdown brew. Nor ne’er a romantic loved so well, as Jesus loves, life forever too.
~On burning knees, for were our plights. Then pouring peace from up above. The Spirit moved, a harmony soft. A Heaven’s dove, we then had love!

~The sky sighed deep. Sea tides did sway. In star-beams singing God’s glory delight! His children’s faith, Jesus smiles bright! His children in love from Heaven’s Light!

~ For God was guiding all along. Mid summer blooms are not too late. Love is greater after wisdom sifts. Hearts brighten the sun, our newfound fate!!

James Rathman: Evangelist: [email protected]

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