

JOY~ Novel situations, hardships, troubles, changes, letdowns, and much else, can challenge a focus on the joy of Jesus. But this life passes quickly, and at all times no matter an issue, is the hope and promise of a spectacular paradise that is everlasting. ~The greatest love story ever told: an Almighty God up high, who is love, sends a faithful Savior giving and enabling assorted blessings of love nearby, His children saved unto a realm of Spiritual, Heavenly, and timeless peace and light, simply to receive euphoria of love and pleasures that never ends. No matter the world, the pureness of the Holy joy of eternal Jesus is steadfast and even greater, as God loves you now and forever, without end! ~Psalm 16:11 Thou will show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. ~James Rathman: [email protected]

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