Love realized

Love realized

Every person has sinned. Therefore, the entire human race opted out of the Garden of Eden to live in a worldly developed environment.
In consideration to both God and humans; the world that humans live in now, is the best place for human life to begin. Rather than having another betrayal in Heaven, God threshes to see who is a friend with a faithful love for Him.
God is not searching for the flawless, but for the faithful. King David, Kind Solomon, Paul and Peter made some terrible mistakes. So why would they go to Heaven but others making the same mistakes would not? They love God, and are faithful to Him, having repented in sincerity when they’ve sinned.
Someone’s free will having a conscience for righteousness, repenting sin and embracing Jesus; gives yield for God to work with and cleanse the rest of a sincere but imperfect person. Within the gift of free will is, in fact, the capacity of love. 
Unfortunately, many of God’s children, overall, have chosen to only fully appreciate the precious and sacred gift of life and love through hard lessons. Praise God, His mercy on the wicked and sinful, God’s love yielding a promise of hope for a wonderful eternal future to look forward to.
Throughout Scripture, God’s Word reveals that life has one primary purpose; love.
Despite an all out human effort of self-destruction by rebelling against God and eternal life and love, God and His love have vindication. God and loves wins, proven greater than the world and sin.
Praise God and His Holy Spirit; there will be no more tears due to the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God excitedly shares His glory in a paradise of peace and love passing all understanding, without end!
“Thank you, Jesus!”
Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; 
1st John 4:8 He that loves not knows not God, for God is love.
Ephesians 6:24 Grace be with all them who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

James Rathman: Evangelist: [email protected]

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