Recurring temptations

Recurring temptations

Recurring temptations
Sin is an action against the Spirit of the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, which is referred to as a transgression against God.
The devil’s spirit works directly or through others to tempt God’s children. This includes to seduce a child of God into thinking that a particular sin could release and set them free from the pressure and anxiety of a worldly issue, when it only makes matters worse.
A developed and particular evil root is, at times, falsely passed off as just an inherent human trait that cannot be changed. One unchecked evil root can cause a child of God to sin many multitudes of times within their lifetime, including in their thoughts.
Anyone loving and appreciating Jesus and the magnitude of what He has done for them, can feel awfully bad thereafter entertaining a temptation, especially a recurring one. Wisdom, sense and logic dictate that the feelings from pride or a lust are not greater than having eternal life that has the feeling of a Holy love and peace passing all understanding.
Maturity includes: There is a sound choice to embrace either fleeting sin ~ or with God’s help, eternal Holiness, but not both.
No matter how evil or sinful that someone might feel about themselves, including thinking that a particular evil root is permanently ingrained in them: Jesus can help. God is Almighty. God can speak Words and create Heavens. A persevering child of God needs only faith that God is Almighty and can do all things.
In just one moment in a sincere prayer of faith and conviction, someone can begin to take charge of even a long term recurring sinful thought, presence or temptation. The enemy’s tactics include returning to past fertile ground to where they have been kicked out of; to test the resolve of someone’s free will. A wise option is to develop a maturity of discipline to immediately pray and call upon Jesus and His power as often as necessary, and regrouping at times, but never quitting.
Knowing Jesus is confidence. Growing to know Jesus more; is more confidence.
God does not want a child of His to be alone in their problems, including with recurring evil and sinful thoughts. God encourages to reach out and talk to Him, and to also have a reliable empathetic friend to confide in for particularly sensitive matters, including for gain of camaraderie, wisdom, council and strength.
The evil one seduces to be alone in your situations.
God guides to not be alone in your situations.
Good and bad days are just good and bad days, and they pass. But a child of God can become stronger and more confident by sensing the eternal Spirit of the Almighty power of God ~ in the exceeding love in which Jesus Christ has for everyone of His children.
Through discipline, perseverance and faith, a child of God can get used to a new life of joy and freedom. Wisdom includes having a reliance of immediately calling out to Jesus at the first thought of an old recurring temptation, brushing it aside with the power of Jesus, and being on with the day, rejoicing in the true liberty that is within Jesus Christ.

Jesus revealed in Luke 10:19,20 Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in Heaven.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
James Rathman: Evangelist: [email protected]

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