Rest easy! Jesus has you covered!

Rest easy! Jesus has you covered!

Rest easy, no matter the day, Jesus has you covered. Jesus knows what He is doing. Simultaneously to all else, there is a Holy Spiritual realm in our midst with an eternal plan!

No matter what could possibly happen, these days will pass, and when we look back, we will always realize that through it all, Jesus had us covered!

God’s Word redundantly reminds that humans cannot speak Words to create life and Heavens! It is without wisdom’s understanding, to not pray, and go it alone today! The power of the Words that speak Heavens into existence, is the same source, the Spirit of Holy Jesus – that loves you so well today!

No matter how the world is today, Jesus does not waver His love for you! No matter the challenges, but the faith! During our difficult times, but our faith still openly declaring, “Jesus Christ” – can lift up and lead others without hope – to come unto the hope and Glory of Jesus Christ!

Wisdom’s understanding reveals – when the Spirit guides – to go for it, even if things seem off and not how we could expect things would work out well.

Jesus is Holy. Jesus can see and do things that we cannot. Only through the Spirit of Holiness is life lived greater than human capacity!

Many times, the beginning of a path from Jesus does not reveal other parts or the end results – but trust and God’s faithfulness will! No matter what you face today, God’s power and love is greater, and you are not alone! Rest easy. The difference maker today is that God’s living, live, Spirit of Holiness is with you, Jesus, and Jesus has you covered now and for an eternity!

Jesus revealed in John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever thou goes.

Written by James Rathman: Deliverance Ministry: Evangelist:

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