Staying calm

Staying calm

The world and the enemy can do whatever it wants, but a child of God doesn’t have to react to it.
Greater the challenges can yield greater the opportunities for building faith, wisdom and growing confidence for the future by trusting in God.
Maturity of calm can be embraced within God’s Holy Spirit and Word, and not in allowance of taking dictation from others or a sudden and unfair world.
Unwavering trust in God can seek unwavering calm.
Wisdom includes: praying to emotionally release the weight of an ongoing building issue ‘before’ the problem happens again, diffusing the possibility of an emotional release to the totality of a situation.
God yearns to be close to His children because He loves them so well, and wants them to embrace His Spirit at all times. This includes for help with discernment of goodness and evil, protection, guidance for sensitive and intimate issues, comfort, peace, resting of the mind, and God’s Holy calm.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath: But grievous words stir up anger.
Psalm 107:29 He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

James Rathman: Evangelist: [email protected]

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