There are many important themes, messages, and story-lines in the Bible. This includes the development of God’s children to become more Christ-like, the maturing of the eternal Spiritual church of Holy Jesus – the progression of the promise to Abraham of the land of Israel to be in his generations forever – keeping the commands and will of God – and the Covenant of the Law and the Covenant of Grace. There is also the story-line of the destiny of the children of Jesus. But none of this means anything without a Savior paying the price for our sins with His blood – and death being converted unto the restoration of eternal life!
Without our Lord and Savior, Jesus, we are without anything at all! No hope! No life! No resurrection! There is no resurrection of us without Glory’s loving mercy in Jesus, His sinless innocent blood paying the price for our sins against Him!
Ending up in a Holy paradise of light, love, peace, joy, and Glory in the Kingdom of God is past human understanding! But forefront is the blessing that is nothing less than heroic what ‘ALL’ Jesus did just as a gift of love – to resurrect us and get us there!!!
Psalm 150:6 Let every thing that has breath Praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
James Rathman: Deliverance Ministry: Evangelist: [email protected]
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