The wise know

The wise know

The wise seek to know; how little they know.

The wise understand their limits. The wise know and guard their weaknesses. The wise don’t make ‘claims’ to know anything.

The wise don’t seek attention, but reflect to only Truth, who is Jesus. The wise seek truth, for humility, for wisdom.

Only for love, is the Word known.

The wise know; what is good ‘or’ evil.

The wise, through Jesus, confidently disperse evil.

Exercising much good, and having one false idol, short-circuits reasoning and understanding. The wise place only God as God.

The wise know: love is ‘why,’ and wisdom is ‘how.’

Wisdom seeks wisdom through all things.

The wise know all thoughts as prayers.

The wise embrace the Spirit at all times, in all things, in all thoughts.

Wisdom in the Spirit, and the Word, are the same.

The wise judge not, but have wise ‘judgment.’

The simple judge a sinner, the wise help; gratefully serving.

The wise pray for wise council.

A wise teacher teaches: ‘what,’ ‘how’ and ‘why.’

Rejecting being merciful; voids mercy to oneself.

Wisdom includes: mercy upon those without mercy.

Wisdom includes: grateful to help the ungrateful.

The Word reveals; only with Jesus, and only in Jesus forefront; is wisdom.

False idols; bring only regret, and make blind to wisdom.

The wise embrace to suffer for righteous truth, as that is what it takes to be wiser.

The wise pray and hunger for righteous truth, foremost for closeness to the Holy Spirit.

The wise have purpose: they love.

The wise don’t pray in frustrations for help, the wise pray in faith.

Confidence is truth and wisdom present.

Wisdom is the presence of God.

The wise know that God is wise, and they aren’t.

Wise council seeks truth, to begin council.

The wise don’t make the same mistake twice, but get wiser.

Being wise is the pursuit of things eternal; love foremost.

Without placing precise Spirit and Word based boundaries and having discipline, is respectively, without peace or honor.

Wisdom includes having trust, faith, calm, patience, resolve and strength.

God is ‘still’ in the ever present. The wise know; peace is in the ongoing present.

The wise prepare, and don’t allow, those who are sudden.

The wise discern to embrace or stay clear.

The wise are without fear to go into the unknown; the unknown has God in it, and novel wisdom.

The wise know when to say “no.”

Inner Holy joy beaming outwardly ~ reveals someone knowing something eternal.

Proverbs 9:10 The fear (divine reverence/love) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.

Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding.

James Rathman: Evangelist: [email protected]

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