Sins of lust causing affliction and spiritual unease include varying pride, the flesh, envy, greed, and striving. Scripture reveals: purposely, even slightly embracing the worldly
Author: James Rathman
Love is greater than life and death
The gifts of life, the Word, Jesus Christ on the cross, and eternal life in paradise, is love past all human comprehension. Love is greater
Rest and peace
General life problems, relationship challenges, financial strains, exhausting schedules, health issues, sudden troubles, and much else were always enough to deal with. Now, added to
Jesus, my hope
God’s children are all sinners, having conducted insurmountable sins against God. Giving their own creator immensity of suffering from such actions and betrayals, God, who
The church of glory
The wisdom to discern a church in disarray, is relative to the love to help that church. Scripture states: pray for those using the Word
Who to have fellowship with
Scripture guides to love as Jesus loves. Accumulated knowledge, or the commonality of it, albeit correct or not, is not greater than Christ. CHRIST: is
God’s commandments
Two commandments from God, encompassing all others, none greater; are to love God and each other. All of God’s Word, including the fulfilling of the
Why do you exist?
You exist to love and to be loved eternally.God’s Word is redundant throughout of its primary objective: to lead God’s children to eternal life, and
Reading the Word saved my life~ By James Rathman
Part 1 Holy love In early 2017, the Holy Spirit was immersed within my spirit and ongoing giving me a message in which