The wise are excited when they receive great gifts from God; to selflessly use, share, and give those great gifts to God and others.
Growing in the purpose of existence; in a fellowship of Christ-like love with God and His children ‘as one’ within the Holy Spirit, and then learning, for instance, an intricacy of love, such as a deeper meaning of graciousness, gives joy to God’s children of love; to use that knowledge to lift up and encourage others.
Within the commands of God’s Word, include God’s wisdom for guidance to walk a spiritually safe and productive path, yielding selfless qualifications to receive and use that much more Godly wisdom and love.
Revelation of newfound mysteries of God’s everlasting Spirit: such as wisdom for where, when and how to selflessly plant seeds for eternal purposes; embraces God’s everlasting purpose and presence.
God’s Mission of Love is simple: the ongoing creation of more eternal life, for more eternal love, and hence more glory in the Kingdom of God that God shares.
Heaven includes a perpetual state of a purity of Holy calm, stillness, timelessness and peace; with the absolute feeling of everlasting: someone knowing that they will live forever. Heaven is in a ceaseless celebration, with God’s euphoria of Spiritual peace and love passing all understanding, thoroughly through and through all things, including through God’s elated children in awe at the glory of God.
Joy past all comprehension is perpetually transpiring in God’s Heavens, giving God exceeding pleasure to share His everlasting to everlasting purpose: Creating more never ending life, for a growing paradise of never ending love.
Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.
1st John 4:8,19 He that loves not knows not God, for God is love. We love him because he first loved us.
James Rathman: Evangelist: [email protected]